A DIY Card for the Royal Babe!

A DIY Card for the Royal Babe!

Congratulations to the Royal Family!  Today I woke up thinking about Kate and wondering if the time was close.  As I go online to browse I see that Kate has been in labor for awhile and then…a Royal Prince.  I’m so delighted that this beautiful couple finally have their first baby and can’t wait to know more as news develops.
I created this cute little card (as if I were invited to present it to the royal family, ha!) in honor of the new heir.  I just kept picturing this adorable little prince in a royal one-sey!  Check out the gallery!

If you have any DIY projects you’re making please share I’d love to see!


Oh deer…is it too early to post about Christmas???

Oh deer…is it too early to post about Christmas???

Hey Friends,

Wow…I can’t believe I’m already seeing items and promotions for the holidays. That’s nuts, right? I mean, when is it exactly appropriate to start the marketing and advertising for the seasons to come? Isn’t there a Fall between Summer and Winter?
I’ve also received a few orders for some holiday cards this early on! My customers usually just leave it up to me to design their cards and today…well did just that! Today’s mood was torn between still trying to enjoy summer but also realizing that the holidays are among us. So, feeling quite goofy, I designed this “oh deer,” card as a reflection of my mood. A bit too rebellious you think?

Who votes rebellious?

Who votes cute and playful?

Thanks in advance for your help and feedback!

From me to you…
