Basil & Violet

Basil & Violet

Ok, these fairies and the fairy community are growing at an exponential rate and I’m running out of room to store them! I’ve now got to come up with some ideas for fairy storage. Although that won’t be as fun, creative or challenging…it’s got to get done! Ha!

The Make Shoppe now welcomes: Basil and Violet!


Find Basil, Violet and more on Etsy!


Meet, Merrina!

Meet, Merrina!

The Make Shoppe welcomes, Merrina!

Just like all the other fairies previous to her, Merrina is made up of tiny natural wooden parts for her body that have been sugared with aqua/blue glitter and accented with glittery blue pieces for her sleeves and wings. A blue coiled crown sits atop her head as she rules her little wonderland world! Her eyes are hand painted and cheeks dusted with a light rose tint. Her beautiful dress is an arrangement of aqua + blue poinsettia floral petals! If you like peacock colors…she’s a perfect fit! She’s very tiny (about 4.5″) but so colorful she would brighten up the area she’s placed in.

Merrina and all the other Make Shoppe Fairy Dolls are perfect as gifts and can be personalized!  Please send me a message or visit Etsy if you’re interested in placing and order. Other colors also available!


Ideas for usage:

– Holiday gifts
– Tree ornament
– As part of a holiday table center piece
– China cabinet display
– Dessert table decor
Thanks for stopping by!

From me to you…




The Fairy Community Grows…

The Fairy Community Grows…

Hey Friends!

Meet “Sugar” who is the newest addition of the Make Shoppe Fairy community and just born a week ago! Along with Sugar comes her mother “Chloe.”  They are slightly different from the previous fairies, Fiona, Maui and Lahina. Both Chole and Sugar are intended to be limited edition “winterland fairies,” created just for the holidays. You can do so many things with these fairies like use them as beautiful decor for a holiday table or even as tree ornaments! Just place them anywhere in your home for an instant uplift! I plan to create as many fairies as I can…all with unique traits including a Christmas themed fairy with the traditional red poinsettia floral dress. Can’t wait to show her off!

Here are some great shots of Chloe and Sugar (also avail on Etsy)

Thanks for stopping by! Visit again soon to see the newer additions!


Hand-Crafted Fairy Dolls

Hand-Crafted Fairy Dolls

Hi all!

I’m really excited about sharing my latest obsession with you! These fairy dolls are so fun to make and as you can see are just absolutely too cute. I was shown a similar technique by a friend and although it worked well for her…I just couldn’t quite get it as nice and balanced as she did. Then again, she’s been doing her dolls a lot longer than I have so she’s developed a skilled hand.

So this project although really fun, takes patience and quite a few components.  I headed down to the craft store and got all the items needed which include: a variety of wooden doll parts, paints, glitter, glue gun, glue sticks, moss, wire, and florals for the doll skirts. Skipping right over the boring stuff…my absolute favorite part of this project was picking out the various floral and leaf accents for the doll’s skirt. There are so many different flowers to use and colors to choose from!  For my first project I had some home decor potpourri balls lying around so I decided to make little Island dolls. I named my girls “Maui,” and “Lahina,”…i know…so appropriate! For my 3rd doll I decided to do a floral skirt made from synthetic autumn colored leaves. For obvious reasons…I really love this look the best! Meet “Fiona,” she’s my fall fairy doll.

For my next project, I’ll be making some Christmas and New Years themed fairies so make sure to visit me again soon!

Thanks for stopping by, don’t forget to visit me on Etsy!
