Bird House Bonanza!

Bird House Bonanza!

Hey all!

This weekend I visited the very beautiful and well-known Laguna Beach. I was walking in one of the neighborhoods and stumbled across this jungle like house with all of these unique and crazy birdhouses. So what did I do? That’s right, I pulled out my camera and started snapping away. I hope the owner and the  neighbors didn’t mind but if they did…well kinda too late, right?
I counted over 50 little birdhouses but I was only able to capture a few. Each house had cute little tchotchkes character decorations. It seems like whoever walks by can just add a little toy of their own. Hmm, too bad I was fresh out of little Tutu’s!

Vote or your favorite bird house!


Thanksgiving Day in Portland

Thanksgiving Day in Portland

Hello and Happy Post Thanksgiving!

I finally managed to take sometime off from fairy making in the Make Shoppe to visit family in Portland, Or.

Dora, the explora, (cat in featured post) was a very gracious host and she kept us plenty entertained during our visit. She also will give us the tour of her home with plenty of unique and interesting finds. Hope everyone had a beautiful holiday with family and friends!

and just how many photos do you plan to take…?

and just how many photos do you plan to take…?

Hey Friends! During my downtime I like to sharpen my photography skills. I really don’t plan to become an expert but I do find joy in taking a good picture. I believe when there’s a really good picture…sometimes words just aren’t neccessary.  So today I’m practicing with Skylar- he’s THRILLED. He may be slightly annoyed (cough) but he’s a good subject because his fur adds good texture and he’s lazy so he doesn’t usually run off. As for Heloise…that’s another story.

I-N-T-R-O-D-U-C-I-N-G   ***  S-K-Y-L-A-R !